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'Reflections of the Hawkesbury' 2020

Posted By Lauren Kent,
26/11/2020 17:00 PM
This morning, in a peaceful little ceremony, The 'Reflections of the Hawkesbury' 2020 mosaic project was officially unveiled! We are so proud to be a part of this amazing community project, and we...

Message to our residents Friends and Families

Posted By Rhonda Hawkins AM ,
03/06/2020 15:00 PM
As you know we have been in a carefully managed 'lockdown' since the impact of the pandemic became more significant. This has allowed Fitzgerald to do what is most important to us - to keep our...

Selling goods for the good of our residents

Posted By Rhonda Hawkins AM ,
06/08/2019 15:00 PM
I survived my second Bunnings BBQ on Sunday. While it is a joy for me to help with the fundraising for Fitzgerald Aged Care, I cannot express enough my admiration and appreciation for the wonderful vo...

A donation that will lift you up

Posted By Lauren Kent,
04/07/2019 15:00 PM
Wrinkles aren’t the only obvious signs of aging and unfortunately as people get older, they also tend to become a little more familiar with battling gravity. Falls remains one of the greatest ri...